CPA 학점은행제 활용해서 1학기만에 조건 갖추는 방법!


My name is Seo Jun, and I am preparing for the CPA credit banking system for the first time in a semester and passed the exam.I like being able to meet my qualifications faster than I thought, and I thought it might be helpful for other people, so I decided to write a sentence!I’ll try my best to write it down in the hope that it will be useful information!

First of all, I decided to enter the workplace right away without going to university, but at first, I was paid monthly and my work wasn’t that difficult, so I think it was easy to go there.By the way, as time went by, there was no progress and it became ambiguous!So I decided to look into the certified public accountant that I was interested in before, but honestly, the difficulty was so high that I gave up because I thought I had to graduate from the accounting department to take the exam.(´; ;; ))

By the way, when I checked various things, I thought I could do it at the moment because I didn’t have to go to college! In fact, I learned that I can take the examination if I take only 8 subjects through the CPA credit banking system regardless of my educational background.So I thought about what this is and looked into it a little bit more. I could have taken the test with only 8 lectures, including 4 accounting, 3 management, and 1 economics. I was thinking about changing jobs, so I got TOEIC scores.It was my first time hearing it, so I checked it in detail.

Under the system run by the Ministry of Education, anyone who graduated from high school can get a degree by completing credits.It was also able to meet the requirements for certificates and examinations, and it was already widely used in various fields!Of course, I was able to take a course for the CPA credit banking system, and I decided to prepare using the system. At first, I was worried about whether I could believe it or not, but I was relieved that there were many people around me who knew it.So when I started, the difficulty level was easier than I thought, and the tuition fee was much lower than the university tuition, so I was able to reduce the financial burden a lot.”Actually, I thought it would cost too much, so I couldn’t do it, but from my point of view, it was really good (lol).”

That’s how I started taking classes, but the advantage is that I can easily take classes anytime, anywhere with Internet access, and I was able to take lectures necessary for the CPA credit banking program in the middle of the night and early morning!To be honest, I think it would have been difficult to attend cram school if I had to take classes at a fixed time, but I think it would have been much easier to arrange such a schedule.Moreover, it was not difficult to meet the attendance time because it was possible to listen to the classes together on weekends when I was studying on weekdays.Ah, I was a little worried about the assignments and exams, but thanks to the help of the mentor teacher, I was able to finish it well!

That’s how I started taking classes, but the advantage is that I can easily take classes anytime, anywhere with Internet access, and I was able to take lectures necessary for the CPA credit banking program in the middle of the night and early morning!To be honest, I think it would have been difficult to attend cram school if I had to take classes at a fixed time, but I think it would have been much easier to arrange such a schedule.Moreover, it was not difficult to meet the attendance time because it was possible to listen to the classes together on weekends when I was studying on weekdays.Ah, I was a little worried about the assignments and exams, but thanks to the help of the mentor teacher, I was able to finish it well!

I started the CPA banking system and passed the second round to achieve the desired result, and now I’m learning one job at an accounting firm! I’m sure I’ll get a license soon, but I’m looking forward to it because my salary will rise a lot.(laughs) When I thought about it afterwards, it was a sudden decision, but I’m glad I started to get along well with my current work!Also, my salary and working environment are much better than before, and I’m so glad my efforts didn’t go to waste! So if you want to finish in 15 weeks to qualify for the CPA exam, I hope my writing will be of some help.I hope everyone has a good day.

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