[Google Keep PC version] Run Google Keep as an independent program, not a crop extension (based on Windows 10) #everything #notationNotes #evernoteEvernote

#GoogleKeep #evernote #notion #Notion #Evernote’s representative productivity memo program is GoogleKeep. It’s easy to install with Google Chrome extensions, but if you don’t install it with Windows independent programs, you have to open Chrome every time for notes, so this time I’m going to find out how to install Google Keep Utility based on Windows 10. 1. Enter the Chrome Webstore.

If you are unable to locate your Chrome webstore, click below.

Simpler, safer and faster with a smarter Chrome web browser.chrome.google.com

2. Search for the extension program [google keep].

If you press [Add to Chrome] on the screen, it will be installed as an [extension program] and you can use Google Keep every time Chrome runs. Don’t add it immediately, just click on the Google Keep Chrome Extension link. 3. Related Programs in the arrow Click on the .You can find Google Keeplinks for the bottom developer program “See More.”

4. 4. 4. Google Keep Notes and Lists 를 [add to chrome] 다Ch. Since Chrome is an English version, it’s a link to install the Google Keep program.

[addapp] installs Google Keep as a program in the window. 5. When you enter Chrome Apps, Google Keep is installed.Chrome://apps:Chrome Apps link.

You have already installed on your computer in this state. But [I’ll be right there] Wouldn’t it be comfortable if I added it? Let’s take a look at the easiest way to add. 6. Right-click on the app and click Create shortcuts.Click Add to the Desktop and Start menu. 7. Shall we take a look? You can use it to your heart’s content from now on.If you search for keep in the start menu, the Google keep program will be displayed. The installation is complete, right?You can keep it fixed to the taskbar.You can keep it fixed to the taskbar.This is a recommended app for improving productivity and a representative memo fixed to the taskbar. In fact, it’s my favorite program and I can use it all for free, but luxury users can use it for a fee. You can also use the paid version for free or at a low price, so you need to search enough. Everything.Everything#Everything is a must-use program. It indexes all the files on your computer in real time, so you can find them at the moment you search. Don’t worry about where to store your hardware anymore. Simply put a search term in the file name that can be easily recalled as a tag tag. http://backpain.kro.kr/221220901032File search program to replace Windows search function – Everything I personally use MacBook and I use Windows PC in the hospital. Lots of Mac OS… backpain.kro.kr감지된 언어가 없습니다.

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